Re: 96 OVR National Champion Player
Very strange it's taking it this long.
Re: Free to play = DDA
As an owner of a 95 overall team I would much rather play other 94 - 95 overalls than anything 93 or below lmao. I know it's always gonna be a goof troop DDA s…
Re: People that are good at using the switch stick are nearly unbeatable.
I say this exact thing to my buddy in squads after we start throwing picks that absolutely wouldn't be picked off in real life. It's such a bummer sometimes.
Re: People that are good at using the switch stick are nearly unbeatable.
Honestly it's always so jarring to come across someone good with it because you get accustomed to just running into Cover 3 shaded down merchants who are just …
Re: What overall is your team
Both the boosters and the training packs have been nuked. They're both a waste of money and resources right now.
Re: What overall is your team
This was definitely the best method until very recently.
Now it seems like the boosters aren't hitting at all because they have yet to raise the pack odds t…
Re: People that are good at using the switch stick are nearly unbeatable.
I got great pressure on him when I was on defense but let me tell you... couldn't do SHIT on offense. I rage quit. That DDA stuff is such bullshit.
People that are good at using the switch stick are nearly unbeatable.
I was a 95 overall team playing a 90 overall guy.
I know the game well at this point and usually don't struggle too hard even against other god squads.
Re: Dylan Sampson first looks
lmao bro I swear packs are the worse they've been all year.
Re: Sam Leavitt
I had him briefly and he never seemed to play up to his ratings for me -- his movement felt oddly stiff and seems like his throw power was always kind of lacki…
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