For my run-heavy boys -- Do you prefer Carson, Tecza, or Lampe for your FB?
I am of the old school mindset of using the run to set up the deep passes.
I do like to run a lot of I-Formation + Strong & Weak I.
Sometimes I will …
Re: DDA?
One of the more noticeable things is the o line.
If they're a few overalls beneath you you won't get any push on either side of the ball at all.
Re: DDA?
Can confirm this.
I have been telling everyone lately I would MUCH rather play someone the same as my overall or one below.
Anything more than th…
Re: Season 4 upgrade token
The QB and the DT are probably going to be monsters.
I all of a sudden cannot play offense in duo squads.
Anyone else ever run into this?
Where the game just won't load if you pick a certain role. If I que up defense and my buddy is on offense? Works fine. …
Re: When playing vs much lower team...
I think they bottom out everyone's awareness too.
Re: Season BND Packs, Training Pack Odds and The Answer
They just didn't increase the odds for the new season. All of the BND rare packs were god awful.
Re: Are the training rolls just useless at this point?
LOL I did the same with about 800,000 today... didn't get anything except a couple of the 93 center over and over.
Re: Are the training rolls just useless at this point?
EA got pissed with everyone pulling those 95s out of the CFB Playoff one where they forgot to change the cost.
I bet the guys in charge of this have metrics…
Are the training rolls just useless at this point?
These things have been nuked into oblivion since Christmas. You can go through millions of training and not get anything but the same 91s and the occasional sa…
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