Re: Wrong update pushed? Beware buying packs
The rush packs were the absolute worst purchases I've made all year for this game and seriously made me consider quitting just from a financial standpoint alon…
Re: Cards that you hate seeing on the other team.
Funnily enough over the past few days I have seen this exact strategy more and more -- god squads with Wayne and Cooper in their lineup and just running to the…
Re: Cards that you hate seeing on the other team.
Hell yes man everyone has ballhawk on him and you literally can't throw it anywhere close.
Cards that you hate seeing on the other team.
What are some of the guys that consistently give you the most trouble and stand out amongst the rest.
For a long time you knew you were in for a long ga…
Re: Why is CUT so toxic?
Literally this.
I'm just trying to play a relaxed game of football and every single team I play (in All American no less) has damn Deion, Morrison, and …
Re: Cards That Play Above Their Rating
He is one of the few offensive players that truly terrify me on defense when I'm playing someone who has him with the season 2 token on, complete animal.
Anyone else's pack luck just..... non-existent the past 2 weeks or so?
I'm not even gonna say how much money I spent on Thursday trying to upgrade my squad with some extra cash I finally had and got literally nothing of note.
Re: Rallying to the ball in Squads
Brother, that's INSANE that you posted this.
Me and my buddy have been yelling at the TV saying the exact same thing for months.
The other guy's team alw…
Re: Why are all the people with God squads so bad
You can literally see it slow your player down in real - time.
I also got a scripted blocked field goal animation to lose a game last night after a very rar…
Re: Why are all the people with God squads so bad
Squads's balancing is just weird. Crazy shit happens in that mode.
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