Re: No game changer challenges today?
Doesn’t seem like it…. They didn’t want us getting free content even though they added more levels in that field pass.
Re: House Rules Game
I have finally completed this cursed House Rules but am 4 Sacks Short of the last objective and want to try and get the second token some people were able to l…
Re: House Rules Game
I’m like 6-7 wins away and only have 10 sacks. I somehow got the upgrade token without doing all the objectives.
Re: Is one of the legends challenges glithced
The tokens can be used in place of a card in the worst Legends set available. It’s basically worth about 8-10k in coin value if you were to buy a card instead.…
Re: Is one of the legends challenges glithced
It’s been bugged for weeks. You can’t get two tackles to count no matter what you do. EA knows, they just don’t care.
Re: House Rules Game
They are the worst…. Yeah man, ive got like 6-7 more to go and I might just wait a few days to finish. It really is the most un-fun mode I can remember all gam…
Re: House Rules Game
Oh that’s some BS lol. Bet the kicker just took his time and the OL looked like they were just hanging around. I’ve had it happen a few times in seasons H2H an…
Re: House Rules Game
I just feel like EA has a morale obligation to its customers to let us know when we are playing and conversing with AI. At this point I feel like most of what …
Re: House Rules Game
That’s awesome man! I haven’t pulled crap out of the House Rules this time. I pulled LT out of Game Changers so I can’t complain that much haha. It’s weird how…
Re: House Rules Game
Same here man… it went from no content but pretty good gameplay and Natty Packs to LOADS of Crap Content, DDA Gameplay, No Way to Make Coins, Casino / Stock Ma…
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