Re: House Rules Game
The last two weeks of this entire game has been a major insult to us as consumers. It’s like they really are trying to make us all quit the game. I have no oth…
Re: House Rules Game
Make sure you didn’t stash it on a player and forget. I tried it on a few different ones and since it doesn’t give a OVR bump, it’s hard to tell who’s got it i…
Re: After rush. launch party, solo season, Has anybody ever pulled anything besides a 91-92?
I pulled the new 97 Scheme Theme DT (DAWG!!) and the 97 ROLB (Meh) out of the 18k BND packs. My issue is now that most of my good card are BND or I’m so upside…
Re: Abilities-Help?
FYI on Demonds and other Fraternities Players Platinum Abilities cost, unless it’s a bug (I hope it’s not I really hope it’s not…) you don’t lose 1/2 the train…
Re: EA employees in forum
Hell you can even complete the one challenge because it doesn’t register tackles. Been like that for weeks. They do not care.
Re: House Rules Game
Well damn. Appreciate it man. Guess I can dump these Frat cards now lol.
Re: Joey Porter Jr
You probably have a Game Changers Strategy Card in your lineup. Most of them actually wreck the overalls for the cards. I believe I used one to boost Parsons t…
Re: House Rules Game
Oh that would be great, thanks. I seriously might have lost my mind if I had to keep playing and didn’t get two tokens haha. Appreciate it.
Re: House Rules Game
I had saw some chatter about people getting two tokens for completing all the objectives because a lot of us received 1 in a glitch or something. I can’t confi…
Re: What running backs do you think we need?
They just dropped Alstott as a FB but he doesn’t look great. Sad honestly.
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