Hi there I run a smashmouth offense where i just run the ball a lot and i realized that run blocking on recevivers matter a lot the problem is EA doesn't let them follow it up on their ratings so 2 of the same receiver overalls and stat lines like a 90 ovr receiver but a 20 running blocking attribute will still be a 90 but the same guy but with a 85 run blocking attribute will still be at the same overall and thus in the auction house at the same price with a little difference. Guys like edwards, amari, reggie wayne, and bernard has been extraordianry in my run game outside where with normal receivers such as lacy i would prob get 4-7 with my guys i get 15-30 Look at wrs run blocking it rarely affects auction house pricing and doesn't boost overalls at all so a 89 wr with 99 run blocking really should be a 92-94 overall but EA never takes this into account and thus most players overlook it as well however it still does extraordinary work in the run game going too far as to say i might keep bernard edwards and reggie wayne till cheap 94 ovr 50k wrs come out get them they are really underrated and really cheap.
Tldr; Wrs who has high run blocking are really underrated and are huge contributors in the run game