You should switch your thinking to become a better investor. With it being so predictable, you should just get ahead of it. We are about a month in and I am pretty much on autopilot with the market, just like each and every UT going back to MUT 15 days.
My advice for those who want to read it:
Stop using the most current cards at the start of your UT. Use T2 players and budget beasts with speed to keep your team competitive. BND packs from challenges and the comp pass have been great for a lot of people- do your challenges and you're sure to hit on a pull or two. SELL EVERYTHING ELSE. Do not buy off the AH until you're well over 1M, and even then you're only spending to invest in order to make more coin.
Do not open packs until the days new cards are released. Continue to SELL EVERYTHING you pull.
Depending on how much you know about the card market, use that coin to INVEST in pieces for the next drop. If you know legend sets are going to use 5 93 legends, start buying 93 legends as cheap as you can. You don't have to spend all day, but figure out the best filters to get the cards you want (make sure you know your price point and are always sorting by most recent cards) and buy as many as you can. You'll notice their price continues to creep up until the new sets are live.
Around 1:30 the day of content release, you'll notice their price has gone up considerably, and then you list them all. Profit.
Rinse and repeat.
It seems boring, but it is literally the only way to survive any UT without spending money or getting insanely lucky on pulls, and no one is that lucky through a whole MUT cycle.
I spend $200 at launch to rip packs and get my stack going. From there I should be pretty good, and I have been for CUT, too. It is pretty rare that I will need to spend more money for anything. I also missed the glitch at the start of the year which would have had me set for the year, but you can't catch 'em all ig.