Gave up on Madden years ago and was sold by the idea of this game coming back -  but Holy F*ck! 

This is wild garbage. 

Browsing this thread to figure out why kickoffs don’t even work and come to find multiple threads re: various crippling glitches that could have been patched weeks ago.

In this day and age, I am willing to accept buggy software launch - appreciate the need to hit a release date, but this is an incomplete game.

Have feeling dev teams are focused on Madden launch and this game is on back burner - will come back to it maybe (and that is a big maybe)  in a few months but this is unplayable. 

To the EA moderators that track this forum… if madden is anything like this turd, exercise your options and sell your RSU’s before earnings are reported because there is going to be a big miss.