few days into grinding this game and with the help of a lot of free time and a few lucky pulls, this is my current lineup. https://cfb.fan/25/lineup-builder/54106a64-7c7b-4233-a9e1-e9ae9d6c707e/
Any help for where my money could be best spent to improve this team is greatly appreciated. For reference, I run an air raid offense and a 3-3-5 defense. I'm working on the house rules but taking awhile to get all the 50 wins. I've already done the National Championship, SOTW, Scheme trials for coins, the newest legend solos, and the game changers solos. Side question: With season 5 starting very soon and considering my current lineup, is the tower of valor worth the time it would take to do? Have heard bad things about them. If not, are there any other important solos or is it just about grinding H2H and House rules now?