going to d-line abilities I had enough of this.........
UPDATE: played someone's natty opponent just chucked the seams and free safety for the millionth time allowed the catch to continued the op's drive over and over and over again lost the
natty for bro but I scored every drive oh so much you can do in this game.
4th down chuck seam verts cause they will catch it over your db's every time.
UPDATE: woke up and I finally won a game on H2H! I switched to workhorses and I got to say it helped. called some plays and allowed some shots but I rotated coverages a tad bit and got to some good pressure this wear and tear really effects these players badly so I highly recommend if you weren't.
Congrats. Last night I won my 1st ever CFB h2h game myself, with me scoring a td and having 2 INTs as the “coach” in squads. Hopefully you will be compensated well for your victories