i’m trying to put workhorse on my rb since i changed players i haven’t be able to it says i need 85 toughness ? any suggestions
Yeah I suggest you find another RB lol
zacadelic22 said:Yeah I suggest you find another RB lol
how do i achieve higher toughness ?
SCgoinup said:how do i achieve higher toughness ?
You don't. You find a better running back that is tougher.
ok i understand slightly but it says to unlock achieve 85 toughness is that associated with team chemistry or something else
No, there is no way to achieve that. Even if you find a way to boost toughness, it won’t unlock. Either go without work horse or find a new RB.
the card has to have the required stat without any boosts or the card can't get a certain abilities. I learned this when I did TT Oregon to try an boost free Burrow card was like +1 agility away from magician ability just to find out what you just did. If the card doesn't have the stat already hes not going to get it. it's how EA controls the way cards play.