I know there‘s a lot of debate about DDA in this game. It seems like a majority of the top competitive players and top streamers feel it’s not in the game. I’ve noticed most on this board seem to think it exist. I’ve tried to give the game the benefit of the doubt and tell myself it’s not present in online competitive play.
With that said, am I the only one where you go up 14-0 on your opponent and then everything just goes the opposite way? like you can call the perfect defense, have air tight coverage, and your opponent makes every 50/50 catch, breaks 3 to 5 tackles to get that first down on 4th and 15, and somehow magically their OL starts to block like the Dallas Cowboys of the 90’s? I mean it can’t just be coincidence, right?
Its like EA makes this game where you can’t blow out your opponent even if you have the better OVR team, better football IQ, and just better at the game in general.
im not one of those that complains and moans after every loss, I give credit where it’s due. I know I’m probably slightly above average at best. With that said I clearly know when I’m playing someone that I’m better than, and it’s like no matter what, EA is going to keep them in the game until the last second of the 4th quarter.
Drives me insane.
TLDR; Anyone else feel like when you go up 14-0 you might as well put the controller down because EA is going to let the other team score no matter what you call or do?