Not when he’s got that combination of speed accel agility and change of direction. He’ll be truckin…
Not even close. The -2/3 throw power is very noticeable. Leavitt prolly the most overrated/overpric…
Would never user a card with that low cod so pry not. Javon Holland IG at sublb is only a 98 overa…
Lmao he’s better than any QB released in the last 2 weeks and it isn’t even close. Has the thp, rel…
Lmfao the statue that can’t turn?
Lmao why lie about some shit like that tho you sound like a clown. He occasionally throws a tight s…
Gets so many d-line picks and pick 6s for me too.
Lmfao he absolutely doesn’t I have countless clips of him throwing wounded ducks for blue bullet pa…
He gets pressure so fast the play is over before it even starts its nuts. Single-handedly wrecks dr…
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