Best 10 RBs right now
Best 10 RBs right now want to upgrade my Spiller
For the Theme Teams how do you combine Team and Playbooks to get both at 50/50
I did Georgia and it seems I need to have some Georgia players are either starters and direct backups not just on my overall roster is that correct? Anyone kno…
Re: Emmanwori Gone from Store
me too I was going to take him then he disappeared lol
Re: Emmanwori Gone from Store
what does the red dot mean?
Best scrambling QB
Who is the Best Scrambling QB
Re: Wheres the XP?
I am at 46 do I have any chance?
The reason they are so cheap with the XP is obvious they want you to spend real money buying the levels.
Re: Kralmanzeriations?
Bandersnatch is still the bestest!
Re: Off & Def Playbooks Returned‼️
I won't play Madden Ultimate Team because I find Madden as a game boring 32 teams all very similar in play style similar stadiums etc
I love CFB as a game …
Re: Why is everything so expensive on playstaion??
Should have bought an XBOX
Re: 88 OVR Season 3 Trophy Players
Unless EA say it it won't happen just because they did NOT say it doesn't mean it will or even could happen. EA is very specific. My question is are any of th…
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