Re: DL help
he is kinda slow if you plan to use him to pass rush but i run 4 line men so i use one linemen for a pass rush and one for run stop which would be graham if yo…
Re: DL help
he is kinda slow if you plan to use him to pass rush but i run 4 line men so i use one linemen for a pass rush and one for run stop which would be graham if yo…
definitely recommend saving up more and getting highsmith bro has been a beast
Re: DL help
imma rec 2 players that have been good for me on pass rush i rec jerzhan newton who has good size and speed for a dt been a absolute monster for me and for run…
Re: The Ultimate CUT Wishlist v2.0
although i'm not complaining jehlani tavai got a card i just wish they showed a little more love to the team i mean they aren't a prominent team now but with a…
Re: The Ultimate CUT Wishlist v2.0
colt brennan would be legendary for he's on the all time list for passing yards and tds and as hoping they would drop him instead of jahlani tavai for a hawai'…
Re: 2/27 objectives
if we end up being a week late on getting the escalation token imma be mad 😭
2/27 objectives
dont they reset ever thurs did anyone else's refresh yet? or am i getting dates/times wrong
help me idk what to upgrade
currently sitting at one mil today what im assuming the last of the game changers promo dropped and they already revealed the SOTW that comes out tmmr (2/5/25)…
Re: NMS Team Help
if you run 2 tight ends i would def also get keleki latu cheap 6'7 tight end who plays really good and also reccomend greg penn ii at mlb great user with good …
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