Re: Error - Restricted
Mine is doing it also
Re: Sam Leavitt
Dot, step up, mobile extender
Re: Do Step up and Dot only work with Placement?
Really, I wasn't aware of this because I used revamped because it's a million times bettrr
Is there a video or any kind of proof
Re: what are the best abilities to put on my dbs
Ball hawk
Re: Bowl Blitz Token Packs
I opened a 92 + and pulled 95 RE Guy
Re: Who is the best qb so far?
People always bring speed up eith a qb but yet in all the games I've played, i rarely ever play anyone that runs with qb. I've used a lot of qbs and here's my…
Re: Don't sleep on Locke
Tac is 70
Speed 86
I like a pocket qb. But he's got enough to get away. I was using Vick and ewers and i honestly can't tell any difference as far as pa…
Don't sleep on Locke
Braedyn Locke with qb strat
95 thp
95 sac
94 mac
95 dac
94 tup and run
95 pac
He's a stud. Why he's hidden I don't know but for the p…
Re: Whats in the lockers
Awesome. Thanks man
Re: Whats in the lockers
That's prolly just the extra large lockers with the good legends I'm assuming
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