Re: No dailys still.. and qualifiers reset
That's what I'm thinking too because there's no other excuse for why it hasn't been fixed yet so they better fix this tomorrow
Re: Tackle in punt challenge?
It's easy just move your gunners out of the way while the punt is in the air and it will give the CPU enough space to return the punt for a guaranteed tackle b…
Re: Now that we've seen upgrades, who are you using the token on?
I wish they showed us the stats at the beginning of the season or at least halfway through instead of leaving people with the impression that the S5 cards woul…
Re: S6 packs ARE NOT FIXED
Lmfao I didn't defend it anywhere I just said it's naive to think that just because the pack says S6 that it will give you only S6 cards it should be very obvi…
Re: S6 packs ARE NOT FIXED
Why do people think these packs are only supposed to have cards from the season they're given in when it clearly has nothing to do with the season because they…
Re: Can we please get some lesser known college players that went to the nfl
There are countless Illinois players I'd love to get cards and was a little surprised that of all the past Illinois players they could've chosen they picked Ne…
Re: FS as SubLB
What you do is put them at SS2 with your sub LB2 spot empty and if they have a high sub LB rating (it may have to be the highes I' not 100% sure) they will aut…
Re: Best season 3 upgrade player
Same and I'm an Illinois fan so I would love to use Bryant but my top 3 WRs are all better than Bryant so it doesn't make sense for me to use the token on him …
Re: Best season 3 upgrade player
I use Emmanwori as my SUBLB1 and he eats he's basically a giant Caleb Downs
Re: How do you stop pass in the middle of the field?
You're gonna have to user a linebacker there's a point in time in everyone's football video game playing time that they have to learn that usering the middle o…
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