Finally an Illinois legend card but I would've preferred a bunch of other names over Newton but hey…
Except for the fact that those teams rarely get cards and when they do they're usually the worst ca…
Lmfao so I'm raised by my mom yet you're the one arguing like that's the case with you because you'…
Lmfao I'm literally talking about removing a liability on defense by making a card better how do yo…
The 80 is a beast for the CPU in solo seasons he's the only guy that ever gets open against me
Yeah I would've preferred Twitter polls like EA has done before with similar programs in UT modes t…
I voted for what would make the best card and in close situations I would give the advantage to guy…
Yes safeties in the box suddenly makes switching issues go away my bad how could I forget
Should've been Nolen c'mon guys don't you remember that OP 91 HH card now imagine it as a 96
You can't control every player at once it's nice to have when switching is messed up and it switche…
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