Re: Cabana store
Go to the objective and click on it. It’ll take you to the store. If I just go buy the daily recruit pack it doesn’t register For the regular daily objectives
Re: Selling Backups
I’ve thought about this for a while. my backup right guard has ~60 games and maybe 10 snaps.
Re: Spring Break Fortune Tokens
Hopefully they’re nothing like the lockers from a couple seasons ago. They really know how to build up some anticipation and then deliver nothing
Re: Are legends challenges worth it?
Not sure how good your team is. possible to pull players from the packs that could start. Worst case sell for training and roll the dice on training Packs for …
Re: Cabana store
All 10’s and one 20
Cabana store
Anybody buy the 7000 sand dollar pack? bought all the 850 packs and the next one up. Not a single usable player
Re: Season 6 Level 20 Pack
I’m going to try my best not to open any of them. Better off spending those coins on a player for the training. For 42 k you could get 2 94’s and sell for a to…
Re: D-Line Help
Can’t give you much help at DE but Carter has been my DT 2 for a couple months. No complaints with him
Re: What Card Has Been Your Best Return On Investment?
Just bought Reggie in the last couple of weeks. He’s starting over cmac for me. Idk how others feel but that mcaffeery card feels like trash
Re: What challenges are you playing?
Blowouts vs comebacks. A little time consuming as it’s a full game. just put chew clock on keep it moving. The only downside is you max out the rewards after d…
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