Re: How much do you spend on the game
none $0
92 ovr, theme team, very happy with my team, wouldnt see any reason to spend money tbh. not a single card below 91 ovr (besides fb obviously)
i h…
Upgrade token for rivals??
I have a 93 LG Rivals player. He is upgradeable with this rivals upgrade token. How do i get this token?
Re: Would it be stupid to go on strike ??
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (12/2-12/8)
Re: 86+ pack from Heisman hustle
I have only gotten 3 86's as of now
Re: I’m beginning to see the issue with the player base and why EA is holding content
I actually agree with this a big problem i had with previous maddens were that I would stop for one-two weeks and my team would be outdated in someway it alway…
Re: series redux?
series redux?
so are series redux not coming to cut??
Re: Still never received my rewards from CUT Champs last week.
same exact thing happened to me last week (13 wins) but no pack no coins
What happened with the market?
Why players like garret wilson, will johnson, kevin winston, and many other cards rise in price over 40%??
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