I can never get over just how bad the legend packs are.
You can buy a whole ass bundle for it and never get over a 95 every time beyond the guaranteed overall.
I don't think I've pulled a Legends LTD since se…
Is it still possible to get the CFP token or nah?
I wouldn't imagine so right?
EA robbed me of a pack.
Anyone notice the store being glitchy yesterday?
I bought a legends supreme fantasy pack and right before the screen switches to show that you've receiv…
Is there some new glitch to mess up the O-Line assignments?
I swear, people always are going to find something to make their lives easier in this game.
The past few days I've seen people setting up this thing pre…
I'm so over the 4 ballhawks.
This ability needs a nerf just like aftershock.
How do you complete the throw a lob challenges?
I've tried everything.
Tapping the button.
Holding LB and tapping.
Holding LB and bullet passing.
I've tried revamped, placement and accuracy, and …
For my run-heavy boys -- Do you prefer Carson, Tecza, or Lampe for your FB?
I am of the old school mindset of using the run to set up the deep passes.
I do like to run a lot of I-Formation + Strong & Weak I.
Sometimes I will …
I all of a sudden cannot play offense in duo squads.
Anyone else ever run into this?
Where the game just won't load if you pick a certain role. If I que up defense and my buddy is on offense? Works fine. …
Are the training rolls just useless at this point?
These things have been nuked into oblivion since Christmas. You can go through millions of training and not get anything but the same 91s and the occasional sa…
People that are good at using the switch stick are nearly unbeatable.
I was a 95 overall team playing a 90 overall guy.
I know the game well at this point and usually don't struggle too hard even against other god squads.
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