Lmao I'm on the wrong page! I saw his cornerback model and I was like wtf is this.
I was thinking the same.
Why in the world did they change his player model to Bobby Lashley?
I watched a video of someone using him and immediately noticed he looked slow.
Never could get him. 7 million training. Multiple bundles. But by god I've pulled Cousins, Chubb, a…
Honestly not terrible. Super viable for budget squads if you didn't get Dunker.
If you throw more than 10 yards down the field it's gonna be guarantee picked every time.
I've played him in solos, head to head, and squads. I have yet to be impressed. Chubb and Fletcher …
Yeah he's still one of the best defensive players in the game. He runs sub LB with my Mosley.
People comparing this card to early Reggie.... I don't see it.
He doesn't feel as good. He fumbled…
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