Upgraded Playbooks
Are the Tier 2 & Tier 3 Playbook Packs worth grinding House Rules for?
What makes them different than any other playbooks?
The grind for Tier…
I’m at a complete loss for words..
This content drop is the most disrespectful, embarrassing, & tone-deaf release that Ive personally ever seen by EA, & I fear this is going to open up the flood…
Need help deciding on who to start please!
I’m just not finding it very easy to determine who to start based solely on Attributes.
For example, many choose to start 95 OVR Reggie Bush instead of 97 …
The Ultimate CUT Wishlist v2.0
_**THE ULTIMATE CUT WISHLIST v2.0** (Revised)_
_\*Will try to remove whoever gets released to keep it updated and relevant\*_
_\***Bold** names are my pe…
Need help assigning Player Abilities
Looking for some assistance assigning the appropriate abilities to my Team. Here’s where I’m lacking knowledge:
91 Kenneth Walker: ??
90 Dillon Gabriel
Ultimate CUT Legend Wishlist 1.0
**Ultimate CUT Legend Wishlist 1.0**
_Apologies in advance for the redundancy, but the thread posted earlier this morning inspired me to share the list I’…
Coin Making Methods
Hoping this thread can prompt a few helpful methods of grinding coins in CUT. As of now, I pretty much grind Solo Seasons, Solo Battles & flip Cards wherever p…
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