Are they Oregon? If yes, it might be the guy who beat me
Re: Why continue to run cheese plays?
For me, yes
Re: Weekly objectives missing
I guess EA fucked up again
Re: Weeklies? Hello?
Same here, been playing road to glory while I wait
Re: Terrible Player Models
McCaffrey is "Alexander" in game
Where are the new weekly/milestone quests at?
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (2/24-3/2)
I don't understand why they can't fix it, because on Road to Glory, it says the right names
Re: S5 Upgrade Token
prolly 98 ovr because last season and season 3 it was one ovr higher than the season pass champion
Re: S5 Upgrade Token
I'm hoping to put it on the 95 ovr corner, but i have Taaffe just in case
And on top of the pack odds being shit and all that, they made it awful to get coins without spending money
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