Fr though 😂I got Neal and Wisner both BND , so I moved Wisner to my slot/Wr 3 since he’s best at sh…
Tbh I loved this card frfr , he played great for me but I’m so glad I sold him for 810k yesterday 😂…
That way 〽️
Letsssss gooooo🫰🏽…you know what they say …THOSE WHO STAY !! 〽️I’m so geeked for this card lol idc t…
It’s a video game , who gives af about qb1 and qb2 or qb7 😂 …we are only in szn 3 , all of these ca…
Idk about this game bc I’m new to football UT’s but I know in 2k the smaller/skinnier guys normally…
My brother in Christ , it’s a video game 😂
I sold 2 days too early lol still made about 400k off my investments but if I held I’d be looking a…
Bc he’s black IRL bro , wdym ?? 🤣💀
I can’t wait for Shoelace !! Tbh he should’ve been out by now bc imma diehard Wolverine and know hi…
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