Re: Best Time to Buy
Which TE did you buy? Mark Andrews?
LTD/Platinum Cards
Anyone have a list of the platinum and LTD cards in the game? Or anyone have any that they can review?
Card quicksell
Does anyone know what makes a card either sell for training or sell for coins? Makes literally no sense to me
Re: No Money Spent Advice
Is there a way to sort the auction house to just platinum players? Sorry for my ignorance... I still don't quite understand this whole card program thing.
Re: No Money Spent Advice
Very helpful, thank you! Do you have a list of overalls and what they sell for?
So hypothetically, two separate 82 overalls could have a different quick sel…
Re: Season 1 XP
Do you know what people were rewarded?
Season 1 XP
Was there an XP glitch when the game first came out? I'm level 34 and my buddies are just hitting level 30. They do all the daily challenges like I do.
Re: Will EA do something ab pack glitch?
Can someone please explain the glitch and how it was exploited? I don't understand.
Re: Anyone else done with CUT and back to MUT already??
What was the glitch? I hear everyone talking about it but have no clue what it was
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