3 months in CFB
I stopped playing CFB almost 2 months ago. I’m glad to see some new content coming however I don’t forsee CUT having the self life like Mut. I could see EA clo…
Pros on CUT, gameplay is better. Stem glitch is patched and slight delay in switch stick is enabled.
cons on CUT: content has been dull and player reward ha…
Anyone one home?
One week in and no solos, house rule or nothing! Worst season launch ever!
50/50 college team
Anyone here moving to a 50/50 or have created a 50/50 college team?
Holliman at CB
Planning to pick Holliman up this weekend. Anyone use him at CB?
Pulled the trigger on him yolo yolo… 1st game 354 yards 4 tds smh Wow he’s still a beast people who got him during the day 2 glitch surely was gifted.
Quitting Glitch (revised)
This has happened to me twice now (champs mode) people are either shutting down their console and quitting. I don’t get the win. It’s like the game never happe…
Quitting glitch?
This has happened to me twice now people are either shutting down their console and quitting. I don’t get the win. It’s like the game never happened. They need…
National Championship!
Wow just won my first National champ game. It took two tries the first game my opponent Dsync glitched me. I was leading by 7 with the ball in the 4th quarter.…
Market crash coming?
Anyone selling their team, possible market crash coming tomorrow.
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