I’m not frustrated, I was just pointing out something I observed about the game, a very clear difference 🤣 I’m not about to let a video game of all things stre…
Yeah but I’ve played a fuck ton of solo season games and not once have I had the 75 ovr CBs strap up my 96-97 WRs or my QB not being able to throw downfield wh…
Thank you, I never even said I was struggling, all I said was it was annoying to deal with
You totally missed my point 🤣
Yeah I was on varsity, which all of the players aren’t any higher than a 75 overall. That’s why I just run streaks all game long cause none of the DBs can keep…
Re: Any ballhawk defense believers out there?
I run gold house call on my top 2 CBs and then ballhawk on either my FS or SS. I do notice a big difference on guys with the aggressive ball trait or high AWR/…
So honestly I thought DDA was just a running joke on this game, but I was playing solo seasons last night to grind out some of the season 6 objective, and a co…
Re: Coin Method
How do you know which cards are supposed to be in the sets?
Re: daily grind challenge "exclusive" 96 overall player
yeah I had to look cause usually season players are ass, but he’s got good traits, good abilities and he’s 6’2 so if he gets the token, he might be a top 5 cor…
Re: daily grind challenge "exclusive" 96 overall player
He’d start for me if I had him today. Plat house call and aggressive ball will always play.
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