Re: Unbalanced Scheme Theme Teams!
I run a 4-3 scheme and we didn't have a LE above a 92 overall until almost the end of last season. But there are a lot of scheme spotlight players that are a 4…
Re: Unbalanced Scheme Theme Teams!
Like you can do this with the Team chems but not the playstyle chemistries. Make it make sense.
I got 98 Latham and 97 Warren from the 93+ BND gamechangers pack you get for completing the challenges.
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (3/3-3/9)
Good because people like myself who run a 4-3 defense still don't have a true left tackle above a 92 ovr. If I can get one that would be great.
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (3/3-3/9)
So is there going to be another season after this one?
Re: Weekly objectives missing
Hey maybe since they are dropping 3 new 98 OVR LTD's. idk, THEY MIGHT FIX THE GAME!!!? omg I hate this company.
Re: This is My Lineup Show me your Lineup
So you're planning to go legit Ohio State theme team. I respect that
Re: This is My Lineup Show me your Lineup
Good way I wish I had half of your team tbh
Re: Milestones Objectives
My best bet is that by tomorrow it should be fixed at latest saturday
Re: Quests
They were supposed to be new quests this week, but of course EA did something wrong
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