Re: Why are all the cards going so high all the sudden? Stupid jump in price WTF
... cards being bought for minimum and then deleted from game for training packs causes prices to go up
Re: Players that need cards
honestly anyone other than the same players who get 4 diff cards every season
Re: realistically how much money would i have to spend to get 650k coins?
plus who knows you could do just 5, hit a LTD derrick henry and you're 400k in profit with debt cleared
Re: realistically how much money would i have to spend to get 650k coins?
yeah you're not gonna make your coins back in a second. You decided to gamble that much away you have to spend the time getting it back. But spending more mone…
Re: realistically how much money would i have to spend to get 650k coins?
Re: If you could put any cfb player in cut who would it be?
I would prefer my favorite players to not be added now as this new team of devs are mentally incapable of not making dogsht
Re: Emmitt Smith
yeah just the speed moron not the break tackle and truck. Pack another dip fg
Re: Emmitt Smith
yo if you can read I said "the one that was advertised" not "the one the speds were asking to change his speed"
Emmitt Smith
when are we getting the emmitt smith we were advertised?
Re: EA employees in forum
dude ong I knew it was fishy when I seen so many new accounts saying "just pulled him BND" they are so cringe
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