Sounds like he's just frustrated about dda potentially being in the game. I have no doubt some of the people complaining are just bad at the game, but there ar…
Re: Ea should be embarrassed
I think it's more due to the fact that the life cycle of this game is probably coming to a close in their eyes so they will do whatever they can to squeeze the…
Re: If you only run cheese plays that require no knowledge or skill pls explain below
Your honestly looking for an argument and upset your bait isn't working. You already know why people run the same plays all the time.
Re: EA is a scam, stop spending money on packs
This right here. If you can afford to buy packs without worrying about eating then who cares. I work 6 days a week and have a wife and two kids so dropping lik…
Re: what rivalry you guys wanna see in rivals?
Lsu vs alabama
Lsu vs Arkansas
Florida st. Vs Miami
Honestly there are so many choices it could be a year long promo if they choose too
Re: Need squad players
Geauxlsu\_07 on psn is mine
Re: How do y’all run the ball
Honestly, i run the georgia playbook and I find that if I'm not offset I can't run the ball consistently.
Re: Season 2 is so pathetic that..
Dude, all you do is cry about the game. Juse don't play it if you hate it this much
I don't think that's what he's saying. Pretty sure he's pointing out what some of the abilities in ncaa are like using a comparison of madden abilities.
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