Re: Results not counting
I’m starting to think this is EA sick way of making sure pepole keep playing through the whole game instead of quitting cuz when u think bout it they win when …
Results not counting
We are now at a point where EA wants u to spend 40 mins to a hours playing a champs game only for the results not to count. To have one of the coolest jobs aro…
Re: What are your playbooks
Offense USC
Defense 4-3 multiple
Re: EA employees in forum
Hell yeah they in the chat and be big trolling with some of these cards. What they did or didn’t do to Emmitt will go down in history. Now they making 98 LTD’…
Re: Over the line challenge
U have to user strip the QB because u need the sack as well. I user striped they recovreed then I got the sack. Really annoying challenge
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