Re: Takeoff needs addressing
this is nothing like madden with Ap always being the same and no discounted abilites.. madden is awful for that, makes people cram as many abilities as they ca…
Re: Takeoff needs addressing
i dont find drop coverages to be boring, i find cheesey man blitzes to be boring.. man coverage is boring in general, and i dont run it bc one guy getting open…
Petition to change Josh Allen to Tight spiral
Its bad enough that he has the worst, acc, agi, and cod, plus carry than like any other 97 LTD qb by a mile (other than mariota carry) .. Funny too be he is mo…
Re: Best QB in the game and Why?
I have used Allar and Jones.. Jones is better, the gold abilities are more valuable than +1 speed +1 thp, especially price wise.. Havent used Mariota nor Raola…
Re: SOTS Leak
damn, wanted Gadsen TE
Re: DDA?
Its in like every game.... Not just cut, it is 100% in the game though. The opposite of your logic they don't want new players or low teams feeling like it's…
Re: Need qb
Neither throw tight spiral, id never use a qb that doesnt.
Make Rights
I opened 600k worth of natty training packs and got 0 make Rights anyone else?
Re: This is my lineup send links of yours below
Re: When playing vs much lower team...
yes i agree all of the above and more. i had just noticed the wear and tear though so i was curious if others agreed. i usually still pull out the W no thanks …
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