Re: Free to play = DDA
lol, seems like someone was a little offended by what I had to say so you just had to add that last part didn't ya. You don't know my game cuz. Somehow spendin…
Re: Free to play = DDA
a 95 ovr ultimate team in January. Jesus dude I think you're part of the problem
Re: Free to play = DDA
Maybe you geniuses should stop spending money on the game then lol. I don't see how DDA is bad, it literally gives ppl who don't want to spend money on a preda…
Re: DDA Sports its "not" in the game
News flash, it's meant to be played as an arcade-style GAME. All the " top competitive players" are just losers who don't want to get actual jobs so they whip …
Re: Free to play = DDA
Someone get this man a warm glass of milk and some cookies, or a real hobby.
Re: DDA Sports its "not" in the game
Anyone that says DDA is bad for the game is a moron. sorry you spent U.S currency on a video game thinking it will make you better at it. LMAO give me a break
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