Re: Rigged H2H Games + Desync Free Losses
Yeah, but it's not "**difficulty**" going up. It's going from no fumbles and great rewarding gameplay for making great plays to being scared of being tackled b…
Rigged H2H Games + Desync Free Losses
I want people to understand that when they see their Reggie Bush with 94 carrying fumbling on a routine tackle with the ball protection on conservative, with a…
Re: Bush fumble issues
It has nothing to with his card, it's when you play rigged EA h2h games. Sometimes you'll have zero fumbles for a period of time, but then all of the sudden yo…
Natty Pack Odds Are Awful
My friend and I won a campus legend natty last night and the rewards in each pack consisted of 2 80s, 85, and maybe an 89+. We won on the hardest stage in the …
Re: So hard to make coins and keep up with the content nowadays in CUT
No one even talks about the natty pack odds still being in July. Friend and I won a campus legend natty and the packs were 80s, 85s, and I think an 89+? It’s r…
H2H Rewards are very underwhelming
I'm very surprised to see that people aren't upset over the rewards on h2h considering the state of the game after the horrible glitch. You get a field goal pa…
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