Do Squad theme teams stack
Hey all. Been wondering how when i play squads I see 99 ovr players. Assuming the only way is stacking theme teams. Does anyone have confirm on this? Thank you!
Air raid scheme
Hey all. Thinking about going to an air raid playbook with so many good air raid cards out and coming out. I have used Oregon since day 1(Didnt know it would b…
How to beat mid blitz
Anyone know how to beat mid blitz? any rpos or plays that mess it up. Im in oregon PB
Missed a bowl blitz am i screwed
I missed one and am afraid now I wont be able to get the 95. A 94 doesnt help my team much. Do you guys think there will be more then 20 house rules or am i sc…
Travis hunter most likely winning heisman. Will he be a CB or WR
I lowkey hope he's a WR cuz feels like we need more budget beast Receivers . What do you guys think?
How long are rewind LTDs in packs
I want to get sauce. How long will he be in packs?
Trying to get a Squad for Gauntlet
Got a 93 O 92 D but will run head coach. Trying to make a run at squads gauntlet. Put gamertags below if anyone wanna make a run at it
Stuck infinite loading screen Please help if any solutions
Some times when i load up squads gauntlet or champs im stuck in an infinite loading screen that never goes away. I legit left my xbox on overnight and still go…
Buy a ton of training now?
Do you guys think it’s worth it to invest heavily into training rigut now with how the market has crashed??
Really need help with lob passes any would be so appreciated.
I'm having such a problem in cut with throwing lob passes to streaks. I have super fast receivers and a good QB (91 burrow) but every time I try to lob a deep …
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