Punter for challenge
I can't kick it 40 yards bru i have 86 troy taylor. anyone else with me
Re: Tackle in punt challenge?
Do shield punt and switch on the players and slow them down to make sure that they don't fair catch
Re: House Rules Garbage
Same, double pass rules also confuse me so much.
GC Strategy Items stink...
Just me or taking away -10 for two things just to get +5 for two is NOT worth it. I still don't have an event strategy equipped.
Re: What challenges are you playing?
Exactly what I thought about it. Long but insane rewards
Re: ss
O my b
Re: What are your playbooks
well I made a username a while back YourDone31 but then realized that it is You're Done... But its just original now😂
Re: ss
Kitan Crawford 95 overall from Fraternities
Game Changers 93+ BND
For me this is the pack to go with, 9.7% chance for 97+ and most of the time pulling 95+'s. I just recently pulled 98 Vince Young LTD and he has BROKEN running…
Re: ss
Crawford Frat
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