Re: What Abilities to Run?
Defense...ballhawk if zone blanket coverage if man...knockout is op on madden but unknown in cut...quick jump silver on dine
Offense: shifty 360 workhorse …
Re: Match coverage: Man or Zone stat?
In madden it goes by their zone rating...I'd imagine cut is the same
Re: Do we really need to play S E V E N runs of solo seasons for those tokens to upgrade Restrepo?
I've got 1 more left...sadly I've gotten no pluses in my packs but atleast wr is top tier
Re: Why does everyone play the same exact way?
Play spamming is annoying but at same time if someone loses to it then its their own fault....was watching one of TheActualCC videos the other day and he had s…
Re: Season 3 BND packs
They aren't guaranteed season 3 players...they are packs from season 3 pass...just like prev ones said season 2 and season 1
Re: The problem with the upcoming Heisman Hopefuls Promo and Legends Heisman Moments
Looking at this wrong...the problem with these promos are they can be copy pasta from all prev promos...fully expect again for only legends to have solos...I w…
Re: Minimum 250k are paying 75k essentially for the card and it'll never lose value
Re: Minimum 250k
Those are ltd cards...they have 250k as their price floor because they quicksel for 175k.
Re: How do you make man coverage work?
Blanket coverage ability and proper shading...just like with zone where you need to adjust drops and change whether covering flats or need to positi…
Re: Best Time to Buy Players/Packs?
Never buy cards the day they release....wait until the next time the promo comes out or even 2 weeks if far as packs id advise never to open in …
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