Refs In EA Football Games-Bumps & Bails
Bumping has been such a huge issue, if U throw a route, u never know, randomly The DB pushes the wr out the way and then causes a turnover, its a clear issue w…
Re: what do you want to see in season 5?
Justin Fields
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (12/2-12/8)
Let’s not forget, UT wasen‘t a focus so the complaining must stop i feel for the devs, they worked on the offline modes, if they wanted to they would its EA it…
Re: The State of the Market
I would propose to have a wait-in-line system. There’s 100s of the same cards. Or do the 2k route and get bots to buy the players cuz it’s tragic rn.
Re: The State of the Market
It’s tragic that EA is like the government with this market crash, they must bring back training playbook packs or this game is legitimately cooked.
The State of the Market
Okay boys, my teams a 92, but the state of the market is tragic. Good luck selling any 90-92 theres 100s of the card you wanna sell, Were going through a marke…
They need to let us make cards(with rules ofc)
we talk about all the cards we want, whats happends if they do a promo like players favorite, liek somebody can make like a case keenum or cj stroud or percy h…
Re: We NEED to make a stand on EA’S bullcrap
I did, the whole bundle disappeared, said i also only have two purchases left.
Re: We NEED to make a stand on EA’S bullcrap
I didn’t do anything, like the guy, i did the bundle got the 91+ and pulled rg3 but once i dismissed he was not seen In my inventory
We NEED to make a stand on EA’S bullcrap
they flat out scam people out of things now, looking at a community post, someone got scammed out a legends bundle with cheap jake velling, and theres pleanty …
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