Surehand gold
This ability sucks. Put on my te and he dropped 3 or 4 in a row.
Why do new wrs still have silver takeoff? Seems weird to me.
I noticed when you hit 95 rating turns dark green. Ive always heard once you hit 90 threshold there isn't much difference. Has anybody looked into this more…
Recoup platinum
Is recoup platinum worth running on a 83 toughness player? It's 23000 training points.
Wr awareness
I assume wr or te with low awareness don't block as well. I've noticed my good blocking wr don't block too well a lot of times.
How much does toughness matter in your opinion? Just curious seeing 80 on wr and cb compared to 85 and up.
Run blocking wrs
I have the best run blocking wrs in game but they still don't seem to block. Anyon else notice that or is it just me.
I keep getting kicked off servers. Anyone else?
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