Re: DDA monster going hard for a while
goin harder than waka in the paint
Re: one time 300k+ coin method
i can confirm this method as me and a few buddies did the same thing, it will be interesting to see if the prices are going to stay inflated for both Tebow and…
Re: First s6 fantasy pack
LMAOOOOOO what a joke
Re: This is My Lineup Show me your Lineup
Re: RB1's who y'all rocking with today?
CMC & DAT figured out a scheme to have both on the field at all times
Re: This is my lineup send links of yours below
Re: This is my lineup send links of yours below
Re: So sick of DDA
I know I can't be the only person experiencing the ungodly amounts of DDA that this game has been doing since the holiday season. I was playing a team that was…
I know I can't be the only person experiencing the ungodly amounts of DDA that this game has been doing since the holiday season. I was playing a team that was…
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