Re: UT is ruined
skill issue
Re: Weekly CUT Content Schedule (10/28-11/3)
I don't understand. Why are they refusing to add content? Its so bare that it forces players to go to Madden just to have something to do. Madden has better co…
Re: Double Mugs and Whips
This response is always what these guys say. Ask one of the midblitzers why they only run one play and this is the response you'll get. There is a reason every…
Are you expecting someone on here to be able to answer this?
Re: Who deserves a SOTW Card?
How Kyle Kennard doesn't have a new card is baffling. Ill take a Dylan Stewart for rising the ranks as well.
Re: THE LEGENDS TODAY (do they make sense?)
Who cares, its content.
scum kick?
Havent played in a month, but I swear I read that scum kicking was fixed. I just did a squads game and I was still there. wtf??
Re: 3 months in CFB
No one understands what you're saying. You're just trying to antagonize him and be an a\*\*hole
Alternate Unis in season 3
I'm surprised at the lack of uniforms and content overall (as im sure you guys are). I'm hoping to see in an increase in content, but specifically uniforms. I …
Re: New player
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