Re: Best way to throw a pick
Hold L2 to aim and lob it at the defender, pull your WR away. I did it by doing all stops and 1 in route, got lucky and a defender sat under my slot stop route
Re: Tier 10, 50 Components
Upgrade punter/kicker to team Chem works to offset any missed spots from out of position guys so you can still use them
Re: QBs
McCloud clears all 3 of them from traits to run abilities, and especially that he got a 95 TGH. I'd wait for the drops like you said then I'd get McCloud. If y…
Re: what do you want to see in season 5?
I want to see my training not be wasted on kickers. It's been 2 or 3 full seasons where you can spend training on AP, but you can't apply it to the kicker, onl…
Re: CUT Season 4 Level 40 pack
I take it you buy your coins through a 3rd party app or have you dropped thousands of real world money on the game so far? 18 mill is absurd and I've only seen…
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