Today's packs are 🔥 FINALLY!!
So I got all the rush 38k packs. I bought the pack for 190 pts. Also did the beginner step up offers. My pulls
98 Ramsey
98 Nabers
97 Julio Jones
No dailys still.. and qualifiers reset
In the qualifiers section. It took a ton of stuff away that I had accomplished. Like passing 2500 yards. Winning 5 games in h2h. I had 4. Many more. Wtf!!
Bad start to new season!
Idk if yall watched the stream. But 99% of these new releases are garbage! Terrible! Not to mention the sets.... still trash. Why do sets when u can buy the ca…
Top 3 sub lbs in game?
Looking to switch it up a bit! Who's everyone rocking in that spot? And what abilities are you using?
Make cut more like mut!!
If I'm dropping coins or money and want to build a set.... let me pick who I want!!! Not a f-ing surprise! Trade in 3 94s and some 93s and try ur luck eithe…
Reggie bush or ?
I run pro style. And Reggie bush still plays phenomenoal for me. But I'd like to change it up. Is there anyone better then him with pro style? The gold shifty …
4-2-5 sub lb players?
If ur running 4 2 5 scheme. Who yall using as ur sub lbs right now? What abilities also?
Stupid weeklys and milestones
They like to force us to play h2h on here don't they. Madden doesn't do that. Some weeks I don't have time for that. Hopefully house rules counts!
Weekly rushing yards not counting
Anyone else having this issue. Shows I'm at 0/600.
New cheme challenges messed up again
Finished 1st game. Stuck loading into the 2nd Game.
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