Naw. Dudes got a point. The set requirements for this card is bad!! No way in hell I'd do the set..…
In madden almost every card cost more on ps5.
It's on all the time though right? Doesn't seen to fully work? I'm looking at upgrading to him. Hav…
Right. Finally!! Still need more.
Best wr I've used all year. Dudes as smooth as butter
Takeoff plat for 2 ap. YES! should I do cutter plat or shifty gold? I've got 4 a.p. to spare.
Nice pulls! I wanted Barkley so bad! I did pull some bangers though! Nabers and Ramsey the 2 best I…
Just pulled 97 Verse. His traits are really good! Have u used both? Comparison if u have please. I…
I got him too!! Great card!!
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