Re: Coin Strategy for Season 6/St Patrick’s Rush
I would sell it all.
Is there a list of players you can change chemistries on?
I know Scheme Spotlight ltd's can and also John Ross. Who else? Thanks
Re: First EVER LTD
Congrats. I've opened 94 ltd opportunity packs and have received zero ltd's. Im going to keep opening just to see how many it takes. Lol
Re: EA Using Interns Again
Yep, awful. WTF!
Re: Level 50 pack
I pulled Jaylin Noel, Joshua Gray, John Campbell plus some lower cards in mine. My pack luck has sucked all year, so nice to finally pull something. Of course…
Re: LTD Isaiah Worthy Pack Glitch 12/22
Just got make rights. It was Worthy opportunity packs. Pulled nothing of course
Re: Making 2x Legend Champ Woodson
The players you put in the set, you keep as BND. The card you get for the set, Woodson, is auctionable. Can only do it once.
Re: Making 2x Legend Champ Woodson
Tebow returned players in the set as auctionable. Tebow was auctionable
Jackson returned players in the set as BND. Jackson was auctionable.
Could only …
Re: 5k training rivals opportunity pack
150000 and notta
Re: Lack of O-Line Still?
90 LG tomorrow
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