Scheme switch eligible players
Anybody know which players ?
Gamechanger trophy packs.
Anybody have any luck ?? I have enough trophies to risk 2 packs but that's heavy risk imo. I'm all in on heads up gamechanger strategy. Picked up Ray Lewis for…
Bnd cards turning auctionable
Had a 94 end from a Bnd pack I was gonna quicksell to get the welcome players into my extra slots and he showed up auctionable. I'll take the money of course j…
Cut version of Muts Rookie Premiere
Real time high school prospect card imports sounds like a dope concept to me. That's all
Cut squads.
Only just realizing the Air Raid LG i need is squad dependant. I'm strictly air raid, 4-3 multiple, but both are maxed. Only an 86 overall, nms, high IQ player…
Trophy players showing for me
But can't find their card numbers anywhere yet.
Upgrade token
Pretty sure still, I'm one of the few who invested in the 3 dimensions of team chemistry, plus strategy card. Boosted, Cobee Bryant, the only one of the season…
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