Can we switch his scheme chemistry or is that for only certain players?
The aftershock is definition game changing. 2 games ago, one hit to Shaun Alexander had him severe.…
Yeah. Hurricane TT so I wanted the big 3, him sapp and lewis but the built ins are too expensive. K…
Anybody know his baked in ability ?
Have this man at a boosted 98. Heads up Game changer chemistry is the way because it's universal.
Had him free to choose from 95 bnd. I happen to use Heads Up chemistry, so that may be the missing …
Worth it !!! He's the best player on the field.
I play with your mom.
Had to make a new comment to say hes the best player on the field. Change my mind. 91 overall team.…
I'll take the guy with 99 awareness. Have fun tackling that guy
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