Re: Finished Season 1
That is awesome brother! Glad you made it!
And yes…I’m all for a grind as most people who play this mode are...But not if it’s at the expense of life. Peop…
Re: Hello, anyone home EA?
Can you explain to me what you are looking to do exactly? It’s a football game and you have the options to play seasons - Either H2H or vs cpu. In doing so you…
Re: 86 OVR Marcus Mariota
Save up for Bijan - Dude is the best ultimate team running back I’ve used since that 97 Bo Jackson like 5 years ago. You can find serviceable QB’s cheap. I thi…
Re: Do traits even exist in CFB 25?
I think traits are real but just toned way down in CF25…And that is one reason I’m sticking with CUT. I am not a fan of op traits AT ALL.
Re: Best Wr?
I’ve tried them all…For me it’s AJ Brown. He just breaks SO MANY tackles. He also catches everything…It’s going to be a long time before he leaves my lineup.
Re: Charlie ward??
I would just go with Allen. Basically the same price & Allen is a much better QB.
Re: Finished Season 1
Seasons is enough for me as I am wanting to rack up as many coins as possible.
Re: Touchdown Tango
I stopped playing after 20 wins…There were SO MANY TRY HARDS it was taking forever. If you give up a TD & 2 point conversion - Quit…At that point it is no long…
Re: Using Training points to buy packs
I’ve done it a few times - Always pull 80-82.
Re: Finished Season 1
That’s actually a good thing….I remember when if you didn’t do 1 or 2 dailies you’d be screwed. Allowing 10 extra days allows people to go on vacation & not fa…
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