Re: Why did EA add UT if it had no plans on using it?
Dude…You were complaining day one & never ever had anything good to say or saying anything that is helpful to anyone in any way. You are the classic troll. A k…
Re: Can someone explain Gauntlet?
Thanks bud, Appreciate it!
Can someone explain Gauntlet?
Is it against CPU or H2H? What all do you do? I seem to peak at 15 wins and can’t get the free invite and I’m hesitant to pay the coins as coins are hard to ma…
Why did EA add UT if it had no plans on using it?
I was thinking about this today. Why waste resources on building CUT if you had no plans of supporting it? I was staying positive longer than most but this wee…
Re: Can't add abilities to new kicker
I don’t think he is though…Following these steps does show the kicker having “4” ap points but they aren’t actually active until you activate them in active pl…
Re: Route Stem glitch is not fixed
Oh wow…That’s crazy!
Re: Route Stem glitch is not fixed
What’s the glitch? Sorry if it’s common knowledge, I don’t watch streams or you tube.
Re: It's Now Clear
What would they care if we give them money in CUT instead of MUT? All goes to the same place.
Re: Can't add abilities to new kicker
Something is wrong…It will only let you activate one ability….You can activate first slot but not second.
Re: Austin or Mcmillian?
McMillian & it’s not even close.
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